Are You Ready To Take The Next Step Towards Freedom?
People who refuse to face reality and deal with their problems and who are in denial about them are very prone to developing addictions. In fact alcoholism is called the “disease of denial” because alcoholics often refuse to acknowledge that they have a problem, often until it is too late. God wants you to take responsibility and deal with every issue in your life. The first step towards freedom is to recognize that you have a problem and have the courage to admit it.
The second step is to understand how and why you fell into the trap of addictions – which has been explained in this chapter.
The third step starts with a choice. God has given each one of us a free will and the right to choose. We have the right to make a quality decision for our life. God will not interfere with that and Satan cannot interfere with that. Did you know that God cannot heal and deliver you against your will? God cannot do anything more than what you allow Him to do in your life. Breaking free from addiction starts with you making a stand – you draw the line and you say, ‘Enough!’ Are you willing to take responsibility? Are you willing to repent, which means renewing your mind and changing your thinking? In spite of your body pitching a fit, are you prepared to do what it takes to make a change and break free? Let me tell you something about addictions – if you stop that drug you are not going to die, but if you don’t stop – you will die prematurely. There are no quick fixes, it takes time (about 28 days) to break bad habits and develop new ones. It is going to take effort, determination and dedication on your part. If you are ready to make that quality decision to say, “Enough is enough!” then I am rejoicing because then I can help you. Then you are ready to move on to the next chapter and continue your journey towards freedom….
Become the New You!
When you read through the 7 Steps to Addiction Freedom continue on to the 12 Steps to Spiritual Freedom – No turning back ever !
The 12 Steps to Heaven
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